Saturday, July 15, 2017

July 2017

Where do I start?

It was a very busy start of the new month.  Grandson Greg and family came in from California.  My niece, Barb and family came in from Florida. Was a good time for all.  We had a few hairy moments. My family from Florida had some car issues that arose just when they were getting ready to leave for home. But, all turned out well as it was only a battery.  They do need to be replaced every four years.  The problem was they had it for only two.  It was a defective one. But as I said, got a new one and all was good.

Crazy kind of weather we are having.  Lots of rain. Lots of heat. But what do we expect? It is summer in the Ohio Valley. We need the rain. It seems like we aren't getting enough. But we do live in the hills of northern Ky so what do we expect. Very good drainage.

I've been sitting here thinking about my youth and past. I have had the pleasure of a long life so far.  I might add also, I've gone through many changes in the way we live and do things.  Plus my own unique things I have done along the way.  At least to me, they were unique, I mean. The things that go through your mind are really amazing when you are young.

Uncle Bob Ochs
Most memorable are the times my mother's brother, Uncle Bob, would either come pick us up or meet us at the end of the bus line to spend the day on his farm. It was so much fun. All I really can remember was all the animals and how much fun it was to be there. Before they moved to the farm, I remember going to their house when they lived on Blue Rock St. in Northside. But that was like being at home, as it was still in the city.  We didn't live too far from them . We lived on Colerain Ave.  Now, this is going back to around 1936 when we visited them on Blue Rock. All I really remember is sitting on their front steps and doing what kids do. We had to behave ourselves as we were visiting family.  But out on the farm it was fun to see how everyone interacted with the animals.  They had chickens, pigs, I think a cow or two, a goat and a horse. I remember chickens because Uncle Bob would sell eggs. I remember pigs because my cousin Bobby would go pick up one of the piglets and the old sow would chase him. The piglet would squeal and here she'd  come after him.  He would have to jump over the fence. We thought that was funny. I also remember  the horse they had. For some reason it seemed, I remember Aunt Pearl saying every time she would wear her red blouse the horse would come after her. She would run in the house to get away from it. We were there once when he did. I can remember that like it was yesterday. So if any of the family can remember that please verify.  Also, Norma (my cousin) had a goat named Rosie, I believe.  They would tie her with a rope on a tree.  She would just walk around eating grass. Just enjoying what a goat does.  One time we were there Christy (her brother) went out and chased her until she had wrapped herself around the tree. Then laughed like the mischievious boy he was.  Norma would yell, "He is doing it again! Christy chased  Rosie and she is all wrapped around the tree."  We just played and enjoyed the farm so much.

The older boys (Bobby and Christy) would get my two younger brothers Dal and Sonny and tease the heck out of them. They would toss them around like a rag.  Run up behind them and pulled there pants down. They would laugh at them. I think they just loved the attention.  My memories of Uncle Bob and Aunt Pearl will be with me until the end. Such fond memories.  Love the Ochs family.  I have fond  Memories of Bobby, Christy, Billy (WOO) and Norma.  Those that had gone before us have been truly missed.

Oh how I miss my uncle Bob. He was the greatest man on the face of the earth.  We never had much but we certainly had love from the family.  My uncle was the one that brought baskets of food for holidays or any time Mom needed anything. He loved all his sisters.  Never missed coming to see us or doing what he could.  That bonding with my Moms side of the family was so critical in my life. It taught me how to love and do for your family when needed. Keeping close contact is so important to me.  All the family was like that. After we all grew up and married and had our families we still kept in touch.

Aunt Alice's family was also very important to me. My cousin Christine and I were together a LOT. I loved her so much. We had so much fun together. But that will be the next memory.

So until next time,
Love to all!

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