Monday, June 21, 2010

Teaching & Learning

You know they say you’re  never to old to learn new things. I solely believe that. Amazingly, it is much easier now that I am older.  Why is that?  I think it has to do with wanting to do it.  It amazes me the things I can do when I want to do them.  Does any of this have or make any sense?  My daughter, LaVella,  is always putting a challenge in my path. She says, “You can do this.” and “You can do that, it is easy.”  I sit there and think I will never be able to do this.  All this has to do with computers.
I started my challenge with computers in 1983. Back then you had to enter commands in order to get programs to work. My first computer was a Commodore 128. Then I went to a Amiga. Then I had an Apple. The software was so expensive for them I decided to go to the PC.  Have had a PC ever since.  Now I am back to the iMac. I love it. Things are so much easier  with Safari than with the Windows.  Of course I still have a lap top with windows 7. I really like Windows 7. Great improvement in their operating system.  Any way, my daughter has helped me in a lot of ways as far as setting up blogs and little “Like Buttons”.  I really like the little Like button. She taught me to do that and then gets me set up in another blog site that I can’t use it. I just learned how to do it. LOL!!!! What’s  a girl gonna do?!!
I know one thing for sure, when I had the Amiga and the Apple Donnie was glad I went to PC as he was always having to help me out of a trouble spot.  Then, I am sure he was happy to move to Florida and not get those frantic calls. But, by then I was pretty clear on what to do in tough spots. Yeah, computers are really great and you can do a lot if you learn to use one. I have done almost all my research on the family tree for my Dads side of the family on my computer.  It’s amazing how much information is available to you on these things! I must say that family was the hardest, as I didn’t know that much about them.
Anyway, I guess I will get this out and posted. If I think of something interesting between now and the first of the Month I might post it. I just don’t want to bore you.  I have had some interesting times with my children and my Mom.  Any of you who knew my Mom knows she was a loving person. You never got past her without a hug or a slobbery kiss on the cheek. LOL!!! Bless her for all the trials and hurdles she went through to get us grown up and on our own. Love you Mom! You are in a lot of our memories down here!

Love to all……Me again.

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