We had a busy day yesterday. Brother had the test done. So far every thing is good. He had a biopsy done and we were waiting for the results. Doctor didn’t seem to concerned about it. Did it just to be on the safe side. Results came back Negative so we were really happy about that!! Said that he should have a colonoscopy done next year just to check and make sure.. so good luck to you Al!!! LOL!!

Crystal, Greg, Sarah and Marcus came over today to spend some time with us. It was good to get to see them. They are heading up North to visit Carol. The kids have so many people to visit when they come home. I imagine it is very tiring for Sarah. But it was good to see them again. We won’t get to see them at Christmas as the Baby is due December 9th.There was a baby shower for Sarah on August 1st. It was a nice get together. They had a nice turn out.
I had to slow down on the family tree research as the old eyes really tire easily. So during the last week I haven’t done much!
Sonny had to take his stress test this morning. That took five and a half hours. He has one every year. Glad that is finished for the year. I’ve been getting some beautiful pictures of Gabe from Jenni and Keith. Can’t even express how much it means to get the pictures and the little movie clips she sends me. It is going to be so much fun at Christmas with him.
Angela Dunham Zarzycki is going to have a little girl in December. All these little ones coming into this world is such a wonderful thing for those who are adding to the family tree. As I say, we are adding two more leaves. LOL!!! They are a blessing from God. Well that is about it for this time. For those of you interested I will add some things next month about the family I have found. Some very surprizing things I might add.
Love to all,
Mom, Auntie and cousin Barb!
Whomever I maybe to you!
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