Wow, July is here already!

I received word from cousin Marcella that a 2nd cousin, Ceola Puckett had passed away due to an aneurism. She was 86 years old. I didn’t know her, as I said before after Mom moved us to the eastern part of town I didn’t get to know the extended side of the Sarver Family. My prayers and love go out to the family she left behind. She was very close to my Aunt Louise (AKA Sis) . Louise is the only surviving Aunt on my Dad’s side of the family. She will be 82 in September. Louise was named after Ceola’s mother. She is not taking her passing very well I am told.
On a lighter note we had a pleasant family holiday gathering we went to the the Dulle’s. Planned on staying for a couple of hours. Ended up staying around four. There were 1st,2nd,3rd,4th cousins there. Had a nice time and visit. My Cousin Charles (AKA Butch) was telling me he had test done . They found a spot in his lung. It is very small . So prayers are with you Butch. He has recovered from a lot of horrible things. He had an accident a couple years ago that was a miracle he pulled through. We all love you and sending those prayers for a blessing there isn’t any thing to heal . Prayers were answered. Butch let us know every thing was okay, no problems.
Love to All………Barbara