Well, here it is November, can you believe another year is almost past? Wow! Time sure does fly.

She taught me the value of family. From the time I was small we would visit our relatives. My Uncle Bob would come down and pick us up and we would go to their farm for the weekend. It was so much fun. Her brother and sisters all had that tight family connection. That is what I always tried to teach my children – Family is important. When no one else is there, family will be. If the need or want is there no matter how important it is to you always make room for the other person. Even if it interferes with your plans. The need the other person has might be a touch more important than yours. Love and Consideration for the other person is what I was always taught. People always say, this is my time or this is my day off I can’t be bothered today. Well, if you let that stand in your way of doing something special for some one it may be the last chance you have to connect to that person. So take the word from a wise old soul, think before you say no.
This Thanksgiving has brought back lot memories. I love to think back on the times I have had with my family. I have no regrets. If I left this earth tomorrow, I will have done the things the Lord wanted me to do. Be it wrong or right in the minds of others. I did what I thought was best for my family and me.
I hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving. Be sure to count your blessings, and by the way record them in picture and video. Also put dates on them. Very important.
Love to all!
The next blog will be after our Christmas in the Smoky Mountains.