Well, it just doesn’t ever stop. The heat is here again. Of course it will go away. You can count on that. I have been walking every morning and then I come home and walk on the treadmill. It is the only way I can get the cardio up and moving. But I am good to be on the move again.
I have been reorganizing my brother’s schedules for his hospital visits. Since St Elizabeth took over all the Hospitals in Northern Kentucky we can go right down the hill to get his monthly test done. Much faster to get there and not a lot of traffic. We are both going to really like that.

We have been having some brush fires around here due to the drought. We had a sprinkle on the way home yesterday. They say we are 5 inches low for our area. That is a lot.
Just received some photos from Jenni and Keith taken with Gabe. They are so cute. She always sends me little movie clips of Gabes first steps and so on. Really enjoy that.
Brother Dal came over on Saturday. So he and Sonny went to the bowling alley. . .they called me and told me to come on down when they discovered there was a friend I grew up with there. She was one of the crowd that I ran with. It was really great getting to see her, you could say it had been quite a while. She has had a lot of health problems. She had her knee operated on had two heart attacks and has spurs on her spine. She has custody of her great grand children and is still working. She is 78 years old. Bless her heart. I guess you do what you have to do. Going to get with her again soon hopefully. Her Momma would be proud of her.
Well that is about it for now. Hope I will have more to report as time goes on. It is going to be quite busy in the next few months. I’ve been running behind a little . . . it is October already!
Love to all!
You know who I am! Have a great Month!